Family Plan Needed

All families run into problems from time to time but sometimes a little extra help is needed and this is when a Family Group Conference can help. You know your family best so by bringing together your extended family, friends and other connected people you can be supported to make your own important decisions and plans for your future. A family plan might be required where there are solutions needed for situations where a child is at risk.

Examples of likely areas are:

Care proceedings, safeguarding, contact arrangements, young carers, youth offending, education, domestic abuse. divorce and separation

Children and young people are normally involved in their own FGC and contribute to creating the family plan although this is often with support from an advocate.

A family plan might be required when there are vulnerable adults and you are worried about the care of an elderly relative, domestic abuse, physical or mental disability, or supporting someone through a new diagnosis

The Referral

It’s your choice. A Family Group Conference (FGC) will only go ahead if you agree to it, and you can change your mind at any time. We will contact you within 7 days of receiving your referral.

We accept referrals from any source including self-referrals and 3 things to consider are:

You have a wider support network who are willing to get involved (i.e. relatives, friends, neighbours, community members and agencies.

There is an important decision/s which you need to make a plan for.

You want it and you are ready to make changes.

Once we receive your referral one of our independent FGC Coordinators will have an initial meeting with the referrer to find out what they want to achieve through having an FGC. We will then contact you and arrange a convenient time for us to meet to discuss the referral, explain the process and confirm that you wish to go ahead with it.

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